Spanish Courses

SPAN110. Beginning Language & Culture

A course designed to develop basic interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication in Spanish. Students will explore culture in Spanish-speaking countries and make connections to diverse perspectives. Prerequisite: No previous formal instruction in Spanish, or a limited amount of previous formal instruction in Spanish. Followed by SPAN 210. 4 credits. FGLO, SI.

SPAN111. Inten Begin Lang & Cult

An intensive course designed to develop basic interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication in Spanish. Students will explore culture in Spanish-speaking countries and make connections to diverse perspectives. Prerequisite: An appropriate placement score and some previous formal experience. Followed by SPAN 211. 4 credits. FGLO, SI.

SPAN1XX. Spanish Elective

SPAN208. Princ PK-12 Foreign Lang Educ

Principles and methods of curriculum development, instruction, and assessment in the PK-12 foreign language classroom with an emphasis on the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and the Virginia Foreign Language SOLs. Required of all MOLA majors with a Spanish PK-12 education concentration. Students are encouraged to take this course in their first year at Longwood, or as soon as possible. 1 credit.

SPAN210. Begin Integrated Lang & Cult

A course designed to continue developing basic interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication in Spanish. Students will integrate themes from various disciplines in their exploration of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Prerequisites: SPAN 110. SI, WI, PWLA. 3 credits.

SPAN210. Begin Integrated Lang & Cult

A course designed to continue developing basic interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication in Spanish. Students will integrate themes from various disciplines in their exploration of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Prerequisites: SPAN 110. SI, WI, PWLA. 3 credits.

SPAN211. Inter Integrated Lang & Cult I

A course designed to develop intermediate interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication in Spanish. Students will integrate themes from various disciplines in their exploration of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Prerequisites: SPAN 111, SPAN 210 or an appropriate placement score. 3 credits. PWLA, SI, WI.

SPAN212. Integ Inter Lang & Cult II

A course designed to facilitate exploration of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries through interdisciplinary inquiry. Students will integrate themes from various disciplines as they improve their interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 211 or an appropriate placement score. G10; PWLA, SI, WI. 3 credits.

SPAN295. Special Topics in Spanish

The topics will vary from semester to semester. Descriptions will be available from academic advisors. May be repeated for credit when topics change. Prerequisite SPAN 202. 1-3 credits. Does not satisfy requirement for B.A. degree.

SPAN2GC. Spanish FGLO Transfer Pillar

Global Citizenship Pillar Course

SPAN2XX. Spanish Elective

SPAN302. Conversation & Hisp Culture

Development of oral interpersonal and presentational communication skills in Spanish, expansion of vocabulary in context and improvement of pronunciation and listening comprehension in interdisciplinary contexts. Connections among disciplines, cultural and social issues such as current events, politics, gender-based discrimination or violence, multilingualism, regional identities, environmental and economic issues, religion, art, history, literature. Examination of issues from a variety of perspectives. Emphasis on strategies for circumlocution; initiating and closing conversation; interviewing; requesting and providing information; narrating and story-telling; expressing wishes, complaints, and emotions; giving and receiving advice; supporting opinions, influencing and persuading. Prerequisite: FGLO course and SPAN 212 or equivalent. 3 credits.

SPAN315. Spanish for Business

A study of vocabulary, concepts and cultural topics related to basic business interactions in Hispanic countries for advanced-intermediate and advanced-level students. Participants receive oral and written situational practice necessary for successful integration into today's Spanish-speaking business world. Prerequisite: SPAN 202 or equivalent. 3 credits.

SPAN320. Integrated Inquiry Cult & Lang

A course designed to facilitate exploration of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries through more advanced interdisciplinary inquiry. Students will integrate themes from various disciplines as they further improve their interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 212 or an appropriate placement score. G10; PWLA, SI, WI. 3 credits.

SPAN325. Hispanic Culture & Written Exp

A practical approach to written expression through examination of cultural topics, such as current events in the Hispanic world, movies, literary works, and controversial issues. Exploration of these topics to further the development of the principal interpersonal and presentational writing modes: description, narration, exposition (analysis, classification, comparison/contrast, cause/effect),argumentation. Students will study and practice problematical points of grammar in authentic contexts. Prerequisite: SPAN 320 or permission of instructor. 3 credits.

SPAN326. Adv Conv Phonetics Spanish

The development of conversational strategies and the study of descriptive linguistics. Students will participate in conversation in paired and group activities, “scenarios”, debates, presentations. Students will learn to produce native-like sounds in the pronunciation of Spanish, to analyze and produce phonetic transcriptions, and to improve oral conversational proficiency in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 320 or permission of the instructor. 3 credits.

SPAN327. Introduction to Hispanic Lingu

An introduction to the scientific study of the Spanish language with an emphasis on language as a human system, including language acquisition, the sound system (phonetics and phonology), the formation of words (morphology), sentence and phrase structure (syntax), the study of meaning (semantics and pragmatics), and the history of Spanish. In addition to an introduction to the main branches of linguistics, this course includes topics in sociolinguistics and dialectology, linguistic prejudice, bilingualism, and language policy in the US. Students will apply course topics to reflect on their own journey with the Spanish language as native, heritage, or second language speakers. Prerequisite: SPAN 320. 3 credits.

SPAN335. Hispanic Cinema

An introduction to cinema in Spanish, focusing on film as a means of communication and as cultural and artistic expression. Topics may include the history of Spanish and/or Spanish American cinema, great directors, a specific film genre (historical, horror, indigenous, landismo), films and literature, a particular director (Bunuel, Berlanga, Almodovar, Inarritu), or a specific period (dictatorship, "Transicion"). Students will learn the concepts and vocabulary required for describing and analyzing Spanish and Spanish American films. Prerequisite: SPAN 320 or permission of instructor. 3 credits.

SPAN341. Spa: Cvl, Lit, & Art Exp

A course designed to facilitate exploration of Spanish culture and civilization through the study of representative artistic and literary works. Students will integrate themes from various disciplines as they develop insight into peoples and cultures of Spain from prehistoric times through 1700. Pre-requisites: Completion of SPAN 320. Permission of instructor required for students who have not completed SPAN 320. 3 credits.

SPAN342. Spain: since 1700

A course designed to facilitate exploration of Spanish culture and civilization through the study of representative artistic and literary works. Students will integrate themes from various disciplines as they develop insight into peoples and cultures of Spain from 1700 through present times. Prerequisite: Completion of FGLO and SPAN 320. Permission of instructor required for students who have not completed SPAN 320. 3 credits.

SPAN351. Early Latin Amer: Pre 1800

A course designed to facilitate exploration of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries in the Americas. Students will integrate themes from various disciplines as they study the peoples and cultures of these nations from prehistoric times through early nationhood. Prerequisites: SPAN 320 or appropriate placement score. 3 credits.

SPAN352. Span Amer Cvl & Culture

A course designed to facilitate exploration of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries in the Americas. Students will integrate themes from various disciplines as they study the literature and culture of these nations from 1800 through the present. Pre-requisites: SPAN 320. 3 credits.

SPAN390. Dir or Independent Study Span

Must be approved by the head of the department. May be repeated as 391. 1-18 credits.

SPAN395. Special Topics

The topics will vary from semester to semester. Descriptions will be available from academic advisors. May be repeated for credit when topics change. 1-3 credits.

SPAN3XX. Spanish Elective

SPAN400. Approaches Teaching Spanish

A study of theories of second language acquisition and their application to the teaching of languages in a communicative, interactive approach at the primary, middle, and secondary levels. Attention will be given to the teaching and testing of listening, reading, writing, speaking, and cultural understanding. Students will develop lesson plans, engage in peer-teaching, and integrate technology into teaching. Students should take this course in the semester prior to student teaching. 3 credits.

SPAN415. Stud Lit Gen, Move, or Auth

Study of a particular genre, movement, or author in Hispanic literature, such as Golden Age Drama, Contemporary Novel, Romanticism, Generation of '98, Latin American Boom Literature, Cervantes. Pre-requisites: SPAN 342 and SPAN 351.  3 credits.

SPAN430. Cultural Issues Span Spkg Wrld

Study of a cultural topic or period in Spain or Latin America. Students will use various resources to investigate issues and will engage in discussion, debate, creation of articles or essays, and other venues for interacting and sharing information. Focus will be on in-depth understanding of cultural issues and improvement of communicative skills in Spanish. May be repeated for credit when topics change. Prerequisites: SPAN 342 and SPAN 351. 3 credits.

SPAN461. Sr Sem Lit Cultrl Contxt Spani

A seminar for senior modern language majors concentrating in Spanish, designed to integrate knowledge of Spanish and Spanish American history and culture as a background for literary analysis. Prerequisites: SPAN 415 or SPAN 430. 3 credits.

SPAN482. Directed Secondary Teach Span

Required of all students seeking PK-12 Teaching Licensure in Spanish. Each student is assigned to work with qualified cooperating teachers in selected school settings off campus. Settings will be chosen among elementary, middle and secondary levels. The student teacher follows the schedule of the cooperating teacher and will take over all duties under the supervision of the cooperating teacher. The schedule involves a minimum teaching day of five to six hours for five days each week (300 hours total). Prerequisite: completion of the Modern Languages major (Spanish concentration), the Study Abroad requirement, and a minimum cumulative and major GPA of 2.50. 12 credits.

SPAN490. Directed Study Spanish

Individualized study; recommended only when material cannot be covered in scheduled courses. By permission of department head. 6 credits maximum.

SPAN492. Internship in Spanish

Directed practicum in an applied setting that permits experiential learning. Students learn through performance in meaningful tasks in a variety of professional environments, such as foreign trade missions, government agencies, or the travel industry. It is intended for seniors not seeking teacher certification. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. 1-16 credits.

SPAN495. Special Topics in Spanish

Selected topics in Spanish. The topics will vary each semester. Descriptions will be available from academic advisors. May be repeated for credit when topics change. 1-3 credits.

SPAN498. Senior Thesis in Spanish

Students conduct an in-depth project in Spanish under the direction of a faculty member and the Longwood Senior Thesis Committee. May be repeated as 499. 3 credits.

SPAN499. Senior Thesis in Spanish

Students conduct an in-depth project in Spanish under the direction of a faculty member and the Longwood Senior Thesis Committee. 3 credits.