Parking Regulations

Longwood's Parking regulations are enforced year-round

  • Students are expected to park in the correct permit zone:
    • Commuter parking is designated by red parking lines and is clearly marked by signage.
    • Main campus permits are valid in Residential lots that are clearly marked by signage.
    • Freshman parking is located in Lancer Park and is clearly marked by signage.
  • Parking in faculty zones and prohibited areas is not permitted, even when classes are not in session
  • Permits must be placed on vehicles the day they are received from the Parking Services Office
  • Ordering student guest permits for personal use is prohibited.

Honor or Judicial Board Infractions

  • Being a resident student but obtaining a commuter permit
  • Giving false information when registering your vehicle
  • Being guilty of taking a decal belonging to another person and putting it on your vehicle; to include finding a lost permit and not turning it in to the Police but using it as your own
  • Moving your decal to a vehicle not registered to that permit number (Sharing your decal with friends or putting it on another vehicle that is not registered as yours)
  • Purchasing a permit from another student—permits are not transferable to others
  • Falsifying information and/or documents to obtain parking privileges.