We are committed to the comprehensive development of students and to the transformation of their lives.

The Student Engagement Unit of Student Affairs complements the academic mission of Longwood University in the formation of responsible and connected Citizen Leaders in diverse and inclusive communities.

We are committed to the comprehensive development of students and to the transformation of their lives. Through meaningful and purposeful programs, as well as experiential learning, leadership, and service opportunities, students will broaden their world view and will make positive contributions throughout their lives.

 Core Values of Student Engagement include:

  • Access and inclusion—creating a welcoming environment and climate where all have the opportunity to fully participate and thrive on campus and beyond
  • Community—creating collaborative partnerships, and connections to achieve shared visions and goals
  • Education & learning—consistently and intentionally engaging in practices, programs, and activities that reflect multiple ways of knowing, being, and experiencing the world
  • Transformative experiences—establishing experiences that build capacity and contribute to making positive contributions for the common good
  • Accountability & transparency—evaluating and assessing progress towards achieving goals and outcomes and openly sharing information broadly on campus

Voter Registration Information

Longwood University encourages civic engagement as part of Citizen Leadership.

Lancers Vote is a campus-wide, non-partisan effort to encourage student voter registration, education, and participation. The logo is a circle with

Longwood is proud to be one of over 300 institutions recognized as a Voter Friendly Campus.

You can find all the voter information you need, including a Virginia voter registration form, on the Virginia Department of Elections website. For specific questions about eligibility or the voting process, the website also offers detailed guidance and links to federal forms.

For more local help, Longwood’s Greenwood Library has a great website full of voter information. Plus, you can access everything about Lancers Vote on Canvas, where you'll find tips on registering, ways to vote, and resources to help you navigate the voting process with confidence.


Student Resources

Elwood's Cabinet: A Food Pantry for Students
Monday & Thursday, 6-8 pm during the academic year
204 High Street (Wesley Foundation building)
Farmville, VA (434)392-8089

Instagram: @elwoodscabinet

Learn about SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) for College Students.



  • Longwood Recovers New Lounge!

    Longwood Recovers, our collegiate recovery program, has grown in size from last year with student involvement averaging 7 members and overall meeting attendance peaking at 14. The need for a larger meeting space became evident.

    New Longwood Recovers Lounge