Will oversee the operation of the Interfraternity Council
Is responsible for coordinating and working with officers in all aspects of council management.
Will preside over all IFC meetings and Executive Council meetings.
Visit with member fraternities regularly to determine what needs are not being met as well as learning which IFC efforts are particularly strong.
Build rapport and establish positive working relationships between IFC and member fraternity leaders.
Assume responsibility personally or for a designee to ensure records of all IFC correspondence and activities are being kept for officer transition purposes.
Cast the final vote in the event of a tie
Meet weekly with the IFC Advisor.
External Duties
Serve as the official spokesperson for the fraternity community
Work to cultivate and open and honest dialogue with campus and local media in order to better tell the story of fraternity in your community and advocate for the fraternal experience.
Establish a positive working relationship with campus and local law enforcement agencies.
Regularly interact with the leaders of other fraternity/sorority governing councils, student government, and other campus organizations to promote collaboration, shared experiences, and the ideal of community.
Consult, inform and establish working relationship with key university officials/administrators.
Vice President of Recruitment
Will assume all responsibilities and powers delegated to the IFC President in the absence of the President
Chair the IFC Recruitment Committee
Will coordinate, plan and implement programs for IFC recruitment effort.
Will schedule and implement meetings with all member fraternities’ recruitment chairs at least twice per semester.
Will design and develop recruitment marketing materials and workshops for member fraternities.
Will update the IFC website, Facebook and Twitter regularly.
Vice President of Finance
Will preside over all IFC financial matters.
Will prepare the SGA budget packet and collect all IFC dues.
Supervise the annual budget process.
Collect IFC Member Fraternity dues or other assessments as needed.
Maintain accurate records throughout the year through invoicing and receipts.
Review and approve all IFC Expenditure Request Forms and IFC Reimbursement Request Forms.
Make all disbursements with a cosigner.
Prepare financial statements monthly and at the end of each term for distribution to all Member Fraternities.
Make bank deposits when necessary and in a timely manner.
Provide advice and support to Member Fraternity financial officers.
Vice President of Scholarship
Will oversee the academic progress of all chapters.
He will also design, implement and manage at least two appropriate educational programs per semester. He will do this to give fraternity men the resources and general knowledge to strive and attain the highest possible standards of scholarship.
Must have round table discussion with academic chairs from member fraternities at least twice per semester.
He must have and maintain at least a 2.8 Cumulative GPA.
Is responsible for making the agenda for IFC meetings.
Will take minutes at all IFC meetings and Executive Board meetings and will email them out within 48 hours of the conclusion of the meeting.
Coordinate a scholarship chair orientation program for Member Fraternities.
Collect and distribute academic performance rankings.
Publish important academic dates and deadlines.
Collect and distribute information about campus academic services, such as tutors, the writing lab, math lab, learning assistance programs, interest tests, career counseling, placement workshops, and library resources.
Work individually with member fraternity scholarship chairs below the all-men’s grade point average.
Build and maintain relationships with faculty, academic offices, and academic honorary societies.
Provide advice and support to Member Fraternity scholarship officers.
Vice President of Risk Management and Standards
Trains and chairs the Standards Committee and oversees the disciplinary process according to IFC standards procedures.
Makes sure the Constitution is always being upheld.
Serves as Sergeant at Arms during IFC meeting and Executive Board meetings.
Holds at least two meeting per semester with the Standards Board representatives.
Will be responsible for holding Roundtable discussions with Social and Risk Management chairs at least two times per semester.
Encourages participation in educational sessions regarding different areas of risk management working in conjunction with Campus Police, Conduct Board, Honor Board, etc
Will record attendance at all IFC and Executive meetings.
Vice President of Community Relations
Create and organize community service and philanthropy events where Greek men can take a role in giving back and helping their community.
Will plan the IFC alternative spring break and fall break trip.
Shall plan and implement the IFC philanthropy dinner to take place in the fall semester of his term.
Shall meet with his committee at least once a month and hold a round table discussion with all the member fraternities’ service and philanthropy chairs at least twice per semester.
Meet with the Office of Leadership & Civic Engagement at least one a month to inquire about service opportunities.
Vice President of Membership Development
Develop best practices for new member and member education programs for Member Fraternities.
Collect and report new member retention, academic, and involvement statistics.
Organize, develop, and implement a new member orientation program.
Develop opportunities for continuing member education by collaborating with alumni, Longwood University offices and departments, and student organizations to offer educational programming covering the following topics: academic achievement, alcohol consumption, career preparation, civic engagement, hazing, leadership development, sexual assault/abuse, and values and ethics
Provide advice and support to Member Fraternity member development officers.