Care Team

The Care Team is comprised of representatives from academic and student affairs who meet regularly to discuss and develop interventions for individual students of concern.

The Team examines available information about the student and situation, including strategies already implemented to handle the concern, when developing other possible interventions.

The Care Team approach seeks to instill self-advocacy and connect students to the proper office(s) that will provide the best resource(s) for their unique situation.

Broadly, the Care Team

  • Receives reports of non-emergent concern (including medical issues), disruptive, problematic, violent, or concerning behavior
  • Determines the best mechanisms for support, intervention, notification and response
  • Deploys its resources, and the resources of the campus community, and coordinates follow-up

The Care Team wants faculty, staff, fellow students, and family members to share concerns about student concerns or behavior that they feel is detrimental to the student or the community.

However, it is important that we - as an institution that values diversity - understand that behaviors that may be unique or eccentric are not always detrimental, dangerous or threatening.

To express concern about a student, please send an email to or contact our office at (434) 395-2492.

Care Team Members

Jennifer Fraley, Dean of Students and Associate Vice President for Student Affairs       

Waleed Ahmed, Assistant Director, Admissions & Retention

Dr. Wade Edwards, Associate Dean, Cook-Cole College of Arts & Sciences 

Dr. Shannon Salley, Associate Dean, College of Education, Health, & Human Services 

Gabriel Poindexter, Associate Director, Residential & Commuter Life

David Zirkle, Executive Director, College of Business & Economics Student Success