Chris Thomas
Adjunct Faculty-CAS

Phone (434) 395-2510
Department Music Department
Office Wygal 153

Mr. Thomas received his Bachelor of Music Education at Central Michigan University where he studied with Robert Hohner, who studied under Fred Hinger, Alan Abel and Joe Morello. Mr. Thomas toured, arranged and recorded wth the Robert Hohner Percussion Ensemble, including PASIC and MENC performances. Mr. Thomas also was a co-founder of the CMU Latin/Jazz competitive percussion combo and marched snare with the Marching “Chips” for four years. He also performed with the Saginaw Symphony, Midland Symphony and West Shore Symphony.

Mr. Thomas received his Master of Music degree from Northwestern University. He was principal percussionist in both the orchestra, under conductor Victor Yampolski, and Wind Ensemble under conductor John Paynter. Mr. Thomas also played in the Civic Orchestra of Chicago under conductors Zdeneck Macal and Gordon Peters.

Mr. Thomas has taught percussion at James Madison University, University of Richmond and several high schools in central Virginia. He teaches marching percussion, (front ensemble and battery), percussion class and competitive indoor percussion at Midlothian High School.

Mr. Thomas is endorsed by Pearl/Adams and Innovative Percussion companies.

