Richard Franssen
Professor of Biology

Phone (434) 395-2199
Department Biological-Environmental Sciences
Office Allen Hall 214

General Information:

Ph.D. University of Chicago, 2007
B.A.   Hartwick College, 1999

Current Position:
Associate Professor of Biology
Assistant Director for Curriculum Development, Center for Faculty Enrichment 
Dr. Franssen joined the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences in 2010.

Teaching Interests:
I enjoy teaching and discussing science from evolutionary, developmental, and neurological perspectives with Longwood’s students.  All of my courses focus heavily on information literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills.

Courses Taught:
120 Integrative Biology
BIOL 206 & BIOL 207 Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II
BIOL 251 Ecology & Evolution
BIOL 360 Developmental Biology
BIOL 399 Evolution
BIOL 495 Medical Neurobiology
GNED 261 The Science of Breakfast
LSEM 100 Longwood Seminar

Research Interests:
I've always been fascinated with the origins of variation in natural environments. My undergraduate work investigated the interactions between amphibians, parasites, and development. In graduate school, we studied the role of developmental environment on limb formation. At Longwood, my students and I are exploring the effects of pregnancy and partruition on the brain. 

If you're interested in working with me, here are the big ongoing projects that you can learn about. We can also discuss relevant offshoots that interest you.

1. Pup Recognition - How do mother rats identify and choose to care for offspring?
    a) Decision making in rats
    b) Evolution of maternal behavior

2. Environmental Enrichment - How can improving developmental conditions improve adult outcomes?
    a) Can EE reduce the levels of stress hormones
    b) Can EE improve neural recovery from traumatic brain injuries

Contact Information:
R. Adam Franssen, Ph.D.
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Longwood University
201 High Street
Farmville, VA 23901

