Isabel Fay
Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Civitae Speaking Coordinator

Phone (434) 395-2238
Department Communication Studies
Office Allen Hall 212

Isabel Fay is assistant professor in the Department of Communication Studies, where she teaches courses themed in civic advocacy and strategic communication. Dr. Fay started her career at Longwood in 2016, the year she also received her Ph.D. at the University of Georgia and defended her dissertation on the changing dynamics of teaching civic advocacy within a liberal arts frame in the age of globalization and digital media.  As a teacher, Dr. Fay especially enjoys mediating student discussions about public issues and strategic communication choices. She sees it as her mission to help students refine their own perspectives on key issues and articulate these in ways that are effective, mindful, and contributive to the greater good.

As someone with a German-Mexican background, Dr. Fay often takes a global perspective on matters. Come by her office to chat, especially if you want to talk about your travel abroad experiences with someone who has lived through numerous awkward and funny intercultural situations.

