Kim Butun
Lecturer of Psychology

Phone (434) 395-4933
Department Psychology Department
Office Rotunda 304

Lecturer K. Butun, M.A.

Education: B.A., Human Development, Mount Vernon College, M.A., Psychology, Southern Connecticut State University

Higher education courses taught: Introduction to Psychology, Child Development, Lifespan Development, Educational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Learning & Behavior, Research Methods, Statistics for the Social Sciences, Academic Success.

Secondary Education courses taught: AP Psychology, Sociology, US History Honors, General Science, Reading.

Throughout my 20-year career, I have had the privilege of teaching a plethora of courses, in diverse educational settings. Via my teaching, I have had the opportunity to work with and learn from many wonderful students. My areas of interest in the field of Psychology are broad and ever evolving, which is most likely due to my eclectic nature and love of learning. I greatly appreciate continually enhancing my understanding of the highly complex creatures, which we all are.

Within the field of Psychology, many theoretical perspectives exist; none of which can fully explain our complexity. However, the theoretical perspective that resonates with me the most is that of Humanism/Positive Psychology. The basic tenets of this perspective fit with my own world view; we are all unique human beings with an amazing potential for growth and self-actualization.

Based on this world view, I am confident in my students' abilities to learn, create quality work, and to collaborate synergistically in order to create a rich and inclusive classroom environment. I look forward towards continuing on my own path towards self-actualization, through both teaching and learning from my Longwood Students.

"It seems that the necessary thing to do is not fear mistakes, to plunge in, to do the best that one can, hoping to learn enough from the blunders to correct them eventually." - Abraham Maslow


