The 2024-2025 recipient of the SNVC Undergraduate Scholarship is Christopher Sparks.  
His professor has described Christopher as having a “true passion for learning that is matched only by his desire to seek positive change in his community.”  This comment is similar to the definition of a leader by Stephen F. Covey, the founder of “The 7 Habits for Highly Effective People” training.  His definition of a leader is to recognize and define the strengths in others so clearly that they can discover them for themselves. 

As shared in both Christopher’s essay for this award and the letters of recommendation by his professors, Christopher has demonstrated that he puts into practice these skills to enhance his personal and professional growth as he seeks to aid others on his path.  These are the very skills upon which The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People are based.  

Christopher’s dedication has been shown through his involvement in teaching at the Pre-K and high school level, as well as with The Boys and Girls Club of America.  Teaching showed him the importance of “Begin with the End in Mind” (Habit 2) as he developed lesson plans.  With lesson planning, he would meet with mentors regularly to monitor, evaluate, and revise the plan as necessary and seek ways to improve in the various aspects of teaching.   He also recognized and sought to understand student needs, empathize, and communicate expectations. (This is Habit 5 – “Seek First to Understand, then be Understood”)

Christopher found the above skills beneficial as a member and chair of the Honor and Conduct Board at Longwood University.  He acknowledges the importance of developing his listening and empathic skills in this role.  He initiated discussion and facilitated opposing viewpoints to seek an amicable and productive debate.  As a result of this approach, he found that student cases empowered better student performance.  (An example of Habit 4 Seek a “Win-Win”)

His professors have described Christopher as “a leader and thinker”, “strong communicator”, “self-motivating, creative, and passionate”, and as having a “generous personality”.  He was described with these attributes while also “being amazingly modest.”  Christopher was complimented on having an “authentic desire to improve” while seeking constructive feedback.  
He recognizes that the skills he developed while at Longwood will help him in many future areas of his profession as he continues to explore the opportunities that may come.

Congratulations, Christopher. A bright future awaits you and each student you teach and help discover their full potential.